July 28, 2022
Trauma and the Body
The body, for a host of reasons, has been left out of the "talking cure." Psychotherapists who have been trained in models of psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, or cognitive therapeutic approaches are skilled at listening to the language and affect of the client. They track the clients' associations, fantasies, and signs of psychic conflict, distress, and defenses. Yet while the majority of therapists are trained to notice the appearance and even the movements of the client's body, thoughtful engagement with the client's embodied experience has remained peripheral to traditional therapeutic interventions. Trauma and the Body is a detailed review of research in neuroscience, trauma, dissociation, and attachment theory that points to the need for an integrative mind-body approach to trauma. The premise of this book is that, by adding body-oriented interventions to their repertoire, traditionally trained therapists can increase the depth and efficacy of their clinical work. Sensorimotor psychotherapy is an approach that builds on traditional psychotherapeutic understanding but includes the body as central in the therapeutic field of awareness, using observational skills, theories, and interventions not usually practiced in psychodynamic psychotherapy. By synthesizing bottom-up and top down interventions, the authors combine the best of both worlds to help chronically traumatized clients find resolution and meaning in their lives and develop a new, somatically integrated sense of self.
The body, for a host of reasons, has been left out of the "talking cure." Psychotherapists who have been trained in models of psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, or cognitive therapeutic approaches are skilled at listening to the language and affect of the client. They track the clients' associations, fantasies, and signs of psychic conflict, distress, and defenses. Yet while the majority of therapists are trained to notice the appearance and even the movements of the client's body, thoughtful engagement with the client's embodied experience has remained peripheral to traditional therapeutic interventions. Trauma and the Body is a detailed review of research in neuroscience, trauma, dissociation, and attachment theory that points to the need for an integrative mind-body approach to trauma. The premise of this book is that, by adding body-oriented interventions to their repertoire, traditionally trained therapists can increase the depth and efficacy of their clinical work. Sensorimotor psychotherapy is an approach that builds on traditional psychotherapeutic understanding but includes the body as central in the therapeutic field of awareness, using observational skills, theories, and interventions not usually practiced in psychodynamic psychotherapy. By synthesizing bottom-up and top down interventions, the authors combine the best of both worlds to help chronically traumatized clients find resolution and meaning in their lives and develop a new, somatically integrated sense of self.
Disabled Mothers: Stories and Scholarship by and abo...
The book delves into pregnancy, birth, adoption, child custody, discrimination, and disability politics.
Child and centered care is a philosophy of care supported by the EACH Charter. Child and family are seen as an integr...
Professional Development
EMDR Essentials
The purpose of this concise handbook, written by a veteran EMDR practitioner, is to explain EMDR in a simple, straigh...
Perinatal Mental Health
EMDR International Association (EMDRIA)
A membership organization of mental health professionals dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and integri...
EMDR Made Simple
EMDR Made Simple: 4 Approaches to Using EMDR with Every Client offers a fresh approach to understanding, conceptualiz...
Trauma Treatment
EMDR Solutions I
Includes fifteen exemplary EMDR solutions, each of which develops the Standard Protocol in creative and highly effect...
EMDR Therapy
EMDR Solutions II
Step-by-step instructions for implementing EMDR approaches to treat a range of issues. The how-to approach, mixed wit...
EMDR Therapy
EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness for Trauma Focused Care
Based on the belief that mindfulness is a critical component in the delivery of EMDR, this innovative text integrates...
Professional Development
EMDR Therapy and Somatic Psychology
This book offers an integrative model of treatment that teaches therapists how to increase the client's capacity to s...
EMDR Toolbox
An overview of the principal issues in treatment of dissociative disorders in complex PTSD, and a description of the ...
Professional Development
EMDR and Emotional Processing: Working with Severely...
This is a book aimed at therapists who work with pathologies within the spectrum of trauma and, who use as an approac...
Trauma Treatment
EMDR and the Relational Imperative
A practitioner explores the subtle nuances of the therapeutic relationship and the vital role it plays in using Eye M...
Professional Development
EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach
EMDR originator Francine Shapiro explores the latest developments and theoretical perspectives on, and clinical impli...
Professional Development
EMDR for Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses
This groundbreaking, state-of-the-art resource is the first to apply EMDR therapy to individuals with schizophrenia a...
Professional Development
Easy Ego State Interventions
“Ego state therapy” refers to a powerful, flexible therapy that helps clients integrate and reconcile these distinct ...
Perinatal Bereavement
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Y...
Deborah Davis, Ph.D., encourages grieving and makes suggestions for coping. Incisive comments from parents who have s...
Perinatal Bereavement
Ending a Wanted Pregnancy
Private support group for parents who have made the decision to end a wanted pregnancy following a poor prenatal diag...
Professional Development
Every Memory Deserves Respect
An introduction to EMDR, a proven trauma therapy with the power to heal, cowritten by a world-renowned therapist and ...
Professional Development
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)...
The authoritative presentation of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, this groundbreaking b...
Family Equality
Family Equality, along with partner organization Fertility IQ, is here to help transgender and gender non-conforming ...
Family Inceptions
Family Inceptions services are designed to connect intended parents, surrogates and egg donors with each other and th...
Fertility Cafe
A one-of-its-kind podcast for all things fertility and modern family building, created to help hopeful intended paren...
Perinatal Bereavement
First Candle
First Candle is committed to the elimination of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths through education, while p...
Termination for Medical Reason
Flowers in Our Womb
This book contains the stories of terminations for medical reasons of wanted pregnancies. Every story has a different...
Perinatal Bereavement
Glow in the Woods
For parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: we want to be a glow through the trees. Stumble up the steps, ...
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to th...
Author Karen Kleiman-coauthor of the seminal book This Isn't What I Expected-comes to the aid of new mothers everywhe...
Graham's Foundation
A foundation dedicated to educating and informing preemie parents so they feel empowered and confident while they nav...
Grieving Beyond Gender
Doka and Martin explore the different ways that individuals grieve, noting that gender is only one factor that affect...